About Me

If you haven’t already guessed, my name is Laura. And I am on Earth.

I’m from Canada. I grew up in Saskatchewan, and the prairies will always have a special place in my heart. As a kid, I spent a lot of time camping and running around on farms. I eventually joined Scouts Canada specifically because I wanted to attend the wilderness hiking camping my brother got to be part of, and I’ve never really looked back. As I’ve gotten older, the outdoors has become increasingly important to my life.

My parents used to take my brothers and I travelling all the time. These weren’t your typical family vacations – we rode trains through the heart of India, clambered around in caves in the rainforests of Borneo, hitchhiked in Southeast Asia after missing the last bus to wherever it was we were going, and showed up in endless foreign towns without ever actually having a hotel booked. Needless to say, my parents were pretty adventurous. I always knew travel would remain an important part of my life.

When I was 22, I got a job working for Parks Canada. This started a 7-year saga of living and working in different national parks across western and northern Canada. I saw so much of the place I call home, and it fully cemented my deep love of nature and the outdoors.

As an adult, I’ve continued travelling as much as possible, and after some trial and error, I realized that active travel is what I love the most. I love to get out there with the wind in my face, the sun on my skin, and the dirt under my fingernails. Seeing the world like this makes me feel like the happiest and fullest version of myself. To me, this is the biggest joy there is.

There is so much more I could say here, but I’ll try to convey it in my blog and articles instead. I hope you enjoy reading about it as much as I enjoy writing about it!